Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thing 10 Virtual Worlds

I chose to take a tour of the University of Delaware. I stayed for about an hour and was the only person there! I yelled h-e-l-l-o and looked for others, but only came across a bird here and there. Maybe because it is a Saturday in August. Somewhere along the way I lost my hair, tried to get it back, but it was a mohawk, so decided to go bald. I had difficulty making progress and seemed to walk in circles. There is a nice little art museum; however, there were not any captions so I did not know what I was looking at (there was not an under construction post, but maybe that is the case). At some point I found myself in darkness. When a fish swam past me I realized that I was under water. I tried to surf, but that is all---t-r-i-e-d!

It was fun and I can see with experience the potential value to using second life with instruction (ex. simulating experience).


L'l Bit said...

Your description of your experience made me LOL. Lost your hair; found yourself underwater. How unique an experience was that?

Andrea said...

At first it ws fun: learning not to fly everywhere and transporting myself places; however, with nobody to talk to, I started getting bored.