Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing 21

I need to take more time to experiment with Podcasts and Audio Books at a later date. This is a "thing" that I have made several attempts at working through and it simply does not interest me. First of all, I am having issues with loading programs on to my computer. The awareness and exposure to the tool is appreciated.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing 23

Favorite discoveries - nearly everything!

Professionally - This experience supports my belief that we should be doing so much more with developing our online method of delivering curriculum and expanding learning opportunities.
The tools are there!

Personally - I have wanted to learn how to create a blog for a long time. Now, I have the tools and skills to play around with the idea.

Learning that we were going to create a blog was a nice surprise, but being exposed to nearly all of the tools was an unexpected outcome too -, google docs, how to add a search engine to our blog, are just a few that immediately come to mind.

I would most definitely take a program like this again. As a matter of fact, I was looking at what I have done and see that it needs development from its rough beginnings. As I was looking at some of the other blogs, I noticed that some individuals were experienced with the process. I would love to have the opportunity to take a level two where we take what we started and build on it.

Recommendations -
* different levels for the beginner and those with experience
* lab time opportunity for visual demonstration and use of unexpected equipment needs like speakers for voice recording

The 23 Things learning activity is- academically relevant, responsible and progressive.

Thing 22

When I opened Ning for Teachers, the first thing I came across was that Nike is having a virtual Child Development Programs Career Fair on 3/20/08. How exciting!
One click led to another which led to another and another and I came across a pretty comprehensive test generator. I would take advantage of this if I was writing new curriculum.

I didn't notice ads on the Teacher Librarian Ning as there were on the Ning for Teachers. Sometimes the ads are interesting too. Personlly, I did not see anything there that I would use; however, if someone has the time, really needs an answer that they cannot find, they can always start their own forum.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thing 20

I enjoyed viewing "student product" videos from around the world. I believe that one of the reasons to taking advantage of the internet is to expand our world and to open the doors to creative ways of teaching and learning.

Personally, embedding Teacher Tube video on my blog was easier than editing the Sandbox---

Thing 19

When searching through Web 2.0 I found several sites that I was able to share with friends and they were VERY appreciative. In addition to all of the other wonderful tools that we have been introduced to, I found I wish I knew of this site years ago! How wonderful to share grant writing, agendas, etc.

Thing 18

I have downloaded Open Office and played with Open Math. I can see the ease to creating a document with formulas (vs the traditional spreadsheet). A disadvantage for work is that we are not allowed to download any programs.

I gave Google Docs a try and loved it. We have students on our campus who are not enrolled. I need to collect Progress Report and Report Card data from their teachers. I experimented by creating a report card and sending it to my SBISD email address - it worked. I think that I am going to try collecting grades at school using that process.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thing 17

I am sure that the Sandbox was intended to be fun; however, it sure became an act of frustration for me. Whew! I could not figure out how to ADD my comment. My issue was that I was using the edit box instead of simply adding my comment to the page. Got it!

Thing 16

Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki seems to be a wonderful resource for online collaboration providing the opportunity to broaden the community of participants. An individual who thinks that they may want to pursue creating or using a Wiki, might want to investigate the benefits of the WebJunction toolbar.

I also found some excellent information that can be used on our classrooms: When clicking through different screens I came across a good and relevant article addressing the need for college freshman to have some training on how to use an online library:
There are three basic library skills that college freshman should possess. The student should be able to find and locate library materials using the online catalog. Secondly, the student should have a basic knowledge (at the least) of how to use the librarys databases to access scholarly journals and periodicals and full-text books. Thirdly, each student should be instructed as to special services the library offers, such as Interlibrary Loan, RSS Feeds, E-Reserves, Digital Collections and more. Without this type of instruction many students will not succeed to the fullest extent possible.

Thing 15

I absolutely loved the short video. It recaps so many truths. I am working on my MEADM online. Initially, it absorbed 100% of my time outside of work and I thought I made a mistake; however, two years later with only two more courses to go, I couldn't be more pleased with my decision. I will enroll in a doctoral program and it will be online. I do not understand why we (the world of education) is not so much more advanced in this, online/computer technology, area related to delivering instruction arena. (Absenteeism would be a non issue, we could expand our enrollment, etc.)

My son and daughter both have required texts their college instructors/professors never used. The speed and range of access afforded through use of online texts and libraries can't be beat (not to mention the green factor).

Michael Stephens mentions in his article, Into a new world of leadership, that in the Librarian 2.0 "technolust" a "librarian does not buy technology for the sake of technology." Tuche. Our SBISD Library Resource staff is addressing a "real world" activity by offering us this professional development opportunity. Thank you for being one of the "trendsetters."

Thing 14

Technorati and its features further help in narrowing searches of blogs and blog content.The keyword search using the search Technorati search box and the term "School Library Learning 2.0" resluted in 1874 blogs. Using the same term as a tag resulted in 11 blogs, and searching popular blogs resulted in 21 blogs. These results supported, for me, the benefit of tagging.

When looking at Blogger Central, it is interesting to see that educaion is listed among the top searches.

Thing 13

Social Bookmarking is fantastic. I plan to use ASAP. More importantly, I am going to go back and organize all of my saved bookmarks.

Social Bookmarking allows teachers (within and out of the district) working on similar projects, plans, or lessons to share their research.