Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thing 7 Video Resources

Through Hulu found a fun summer barbeque treat that is availabe for sharing:

I am not in a clasroom so looked for videos that can be used with teachers in order to share the concept of online learning. One video that I chose came from and is a simple Algebra 1 lesson. The link provides access to thousands of lessons and can be helpful to any teacher (virtual or brick and mortar). Inividuals new to teaching as well as the experienced teacher can use the lessons as resources for exploring a new or different approach to teaching a concept or for referring students to possibly provide a tutorial or benefit of extra help.

Technology in the PE class from

21st Century learning from TeacherTube, Bionic Teaching Shake It Up:

1 comment:

VWB said...

good choices for areas not often associated with technology as much as others to show teachers some possibilities...

bookmarked the bananas! :-)