Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing 23

Favorite discoveries - nearly everything!

Professionally - This experience supports my belief that we should be doing so much more with developing our online method of delivering curriculum and expanding learning opportunities.
The tools are there!

Personally - I have wanted to learn how to create a blog for a long time. Now, I have the tools and skills to play around with the idea.

Learning that we were going to create a blog was a nice surprise, but being exposed to nearly all of the tools was an unexpected outcome too -, google docs, how to add a search engine to our blog, are just a few that immediately come to mind.

I would most definitely take a program like this again. As a matter of fact, I was looking at what I have done and see that it needs development from its rough beginnings. As I was looking at some of the other blogs, I noticed that some individuals were experienced with the process. I would love to have the opportunity to take a level two where we take what we started and build on it.

Recommendations -
* different levels for the beginner and those with experience
* lab time opportunity for visual demonstration and use of unexpected equipment needs like speakers for voice recording

The 23 Things learning activity is- academically relevant, responsible and progressive.


VWB said...

Congratulations on getting to the end...glad it was a successful experience for you...look forward to what interesting stuff you use you blog for!

BIG RED said...

My goodness things look great and I know that you are glad you completed this program. I love some of the same chefs you have on your blog.

LKP said...

Take the second version this summer and come and play with us on the days when we have recess! We'll do it more often this summer because we will have the time! I'm glad you learned so much and got to "play" with us!