Saturday, June 27, 2009

11.5 More Things; Thing 1 The Networked Student

Thank you LRC for organizing a Library2Play2.

My personal thoughts, teacher/student; teaching/learning: I am grateful to see that we are recognizing and appreciating online and virtual instruction. The video demonstrates an example of an older (secondary/college) student in a virtual class that uses research intensive assignments, fact finding, and information sharing as the basis for teaching and learning. In a simplistic manner the video shows the viewer how the student can seek out and easily contact experts, regardless of geographic location, truly expanding learning to beyond the textbook, the walls of the classroom, or knowledge base of the assigned instructor. I love that the student is expected to demonstrate whether or not he or she has assimilated new learning, has sifted through the differences of fact vs. opinion, by way of information sharing via a social networking site; what an A+ assessment tool.

The teacher has the responsibility of giving good initial expectations for the assignment, asking the right probing questions, being available for students’ questions, and monitoring student progress and direction.

The librarian can help with online or virtual learning through their knowledge of electronic databases, online libraries, appropriate blogs, wikis or other networking and communication tools.

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