Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing 8

Thing 8 - RSS Feeds has me stumped. I am reading the tutorials and following along signing up for more things than I really want to all in an attempt to learn how to make a little RSS feed icon. I think that I am missing the point. I am receiving Google Alerts - Headline news in my email; however, that is not what I was trying to accomplish. Can anyone help me? P-l-e-a-s-e?

Thank you!!


VWB said...

For me the answer was the reader...I didn't worry about the little orange icon...just set up my reader and then used the URL (web addresses) of the blogs, etc. that I want to follow. I selected Google was the easiest for me...maybe a reader will solve your problem?

Terry said...

I also ignored the orange buttons and used Google Reader. I put a lot of the Library2PLay blogs in it as well as some others and then added a link so I can get to it with a click. I can quickly check who has a new post or if there is something of interest I want to look at right now.